Proof Read My File

Thursday, 25 December 2014

Why Report Writing is an Important in Academic & Business Career

Writing skill is one of the most important factors to be successful in your academic and professional career. Proper writing skill is required to communicate your thoughts and ideas to the intended audience clearly in order to receive the expected response from the readers of your writing. Writing is the most essential form of communications as the oral communications could not be used to answer the academic assignments or reports or to generate various forms of business reports or documents. In fact your writing talent determines the standard of your communication skill and the extent to which you can influence the target audience for whom you have written the piece of text.

Report writing service

Your writing skill will be tested frequently in your academic and professional carrier. When you are continuing your academic life, you have to prove your writing skill, while answering the question in the examinations, while writing the application to the school or the university authority or your teachers, while writing the assignments, research papers, project reports and reports that are required by the universities. Similarly, in your professional life you have to write report to the management, on the accomplishment of works delegated to you, you have to write statutory report or the report reflecting your assessment of any event or business affairs as required by the management or for the staffs subordinate to you.

Writing report is an essential part of your academic and professional life and you require developing an excellent skill in preparing the reports as your entire academic and professional career largely depends upon your ability in writing the reports efficiently and successfully. You can also use services of professional proofreaders for excellent work. However, professional report writing is significantly different from the business report writing because of the fact that the affairs of the business organisation are way different from that of the academic institutions. In fact the academic institutions build the foundation of the writing skills of the students and the students in their professional career learn the style of writing the business report as per the requirement of the business organisations. Therefore it is important to grow the skill of writing an academic as well as, a business report.

In academic career, report writing is required to pursue the examiners or the evaluators to prove the knowledge of the subject along with your analytical ability and the ability to apply the theoretical knowledge to solve the assignment problems or to reflect your own opinion on the assignment topic after extensive research and actuality findings. In academic writing the professors or the lecturers are the audience for which the academic report is being written. The ability of the report writing should be of such standard as to make the professors understand clearly your view points on the assignment topics given and to establish your stance with clear reason. Without being skilled in writing the report, it is almost impossible to convince your evaluator about the quality of your report and subsequently, it becomes almost impossible to get good grade points. 

The report is essential before the professors to judge:

  •    Your understanding of the subject topic of the report
  •  How you have analysed the entire matter and how you have investigated to reach the conclusion or to find the solution of the problem
  •   How you have managed your existing time and how efficient was your research methodology
  • Whether you have written the report in proper format as instructed to you
  • Whether each paragraphs and the sections of the report are logically sequenced
  •  Whether the entire report represents a logical flow and whether your arguments have been logically validated by relevant information, evidences and mathematical and statistical data, if required.
  • Whether your report represents your command in language and whether it is flawless so far as the grammar, spelling, punctuations are concerned
  • Whether the report is simple enough to understand and has been written in a brief, concise and professional manner.
  •  Whether you’re maintaining a proper tone throughout the report and whether it is specifically targeted to the intended audience
  • Whether your writing skill is enough to make the report strictly specific to the objective of the report.
In comparison to the academic reports, business reports are written for entirely different purpose. Academic organisations exist to impart knowledge to the students to develop various skills within them, so that they can pursue their intended profession after their academic life is over. The students go to educational institutes to learn and, the core of the academic report is to reflect what the students have learnt. But Business organisations are not meant for educating the employees. 

Proofreading discount

These organisations produce goods and services according to the needs of the customers and sell those products in the market mainly to earn profit. However there are non trading concerns which are dedicated to the service of the society. But these organisations also either produce some goods or service consumable by the society. In the face of the steep completion, the business organisations continuously try to augment their offerings to the market and every department puts effort to lift their performance. Business report is an essential part of these continuous efforts, as without proper communication within the organisation as well as with the world at large, no business organisation can survive. Business reporting forms the backbone of this communication network.

In fact the report writing process you learn in your academic career will have to be modified when you are writing the same in a business environment. Writing business report properly and following proper format is vital for the proper functioning of the organisation. Only a proper report written clearly and specifically targeted to the intended audience could initiate proper response to accomplish the objective of the organisation. 

Production report, payroll report, sales report, budget report, raw material requirement reports and lots of other reports are continuously generated in a business organisation and each report must be perfectly written to keep the entire business affairs in track. For example if the market survey report is not written properly it would not be possible for the management to judge the expected demand of the products, being offered by the company. If the usual demand and the requirement of the customers could not be apprehended in advance, the manufacture planning is bound to be a faulty one and the company could end up either with a huge stock or could suffer stock out costs, thereby hitting the reputation of the company adversely and giving an opportunity to the competitors to capture the market share. This is a little example to demonstrate why as a professional you have to develop the skill of writing excellent business report, when effective in an organisation.

The business reporting is not meant to reflect your learning before the audience. It is meant to generate report to offer valuable business information as wanted by your managers or as you think to be distributed to your subordinates for proper functioning of the organisation. The business report sometimes have to be written for the laymen and in that case you have to be skilled enough to make the report simple enough to make them understand the report so that they can absorb the direction or information and can utilise the same as intended by the management. 

Sometimes you require preparing a highly technical report for the people who are expert in the field to which the report relates. In writing such a report, you have to demonstrate your skill for explaining the technical points clearly and briefly so that on the basis of your report the company can make and take vital decisions. Your report writing skill should exhibit the versatility while you are in your professional life. You have to know how to vary the report writing according to the character of different audiences; how to write report according to the importance of the issue for which the report is being written and you have to always remember that very often your report, if written properly, could contribute to the development of your organisation immensely.

Friday, 21 November 2014

Grammar Checking - Proofreading Services for Students

The grammar of any language, irrespective of its national or regional identity, forms the foundation of the language. The grammar forms the logical and meaningful base of the language. The more you are perfect in using right grammar at the right place in your writing, the more will be the clarity and objectivity of your message. The way of conveying your message with unambiguous and grammatically perfect writing is the essence of written communication. Naturally, in the academic career, grammar plays a key role in deciding the quality of answers of the students as well as their grade points. This one is true at all levels. However, we will be discussing about the essence of grammar in case of college or university students, who are required to write various assignments and homework topics, given by their institutes. The performance in the college or university level, cast a direct impact on the forthcoming professional career of the students. Grammar is not only important for these students but also for the students who write research papers to get PhD or other higher degrees.

Grammar is the logical thread of the writing and if a student fails to use perfect grammar, the entire writing could be turned out to be ambiguous before the examiners. There are various aspects which you have to check to make, your assignments, homework or the research papers, free from any grammatical errors before submitting those to the examiners. For checking these grammatical aspects of your writing you should have strong grammatical concept. However, it has been found, that the grammatical concepts of the students are either not very strong or they commit some mechanical mistakes in grammar, and these mistakes usually take a toll on their academic performance, by affecting the quality of their assignments, homework or research papers. Here comes the importance of the services of the professional proofreaders. The language experts of these organizations can simply make your written piece of work completely error free before submitting the same to the examiners. The proofreaders will help to:
  • Rectify the inconsistency in using tenses, if there is any, in your writing. Very often it is found that students use tenses arbitrarily which make their presentations unprofessional and logically incorrect. Proofreaders, with their year long experience and expertise, will help you to make your writing completely free from inconsistent use of tenses. Moreover, usually various parts of the assignments or research papers should use different tenses consistently. This means, it may happen that you are using present tense consistently while discussing your main body whereas, use of past tense is appropriate for the conclusion. However the use of tenses in such a way depends upon the nature of the content. Proofreaders will help you to ensure that you put perfect tenses consistently in different parts of the assignments or research papers so as to make those more meaningful.
  • The use of subject-verb is another place where students commit some common mistakes. Proofreaders will help you to get rid of those mistakes.
  •  In writing, it is always suggested to use the active voice to give the presentation more professional look. But very often students are found to use the passive voice instead of the active voice, even when it is possible. The proofreaders will help you to identify those sentences which could be written using active voice rather than a passive one.
  • Sometimes, some sentences when combined in an effective manner gives your writing a form of fluency and makes the entire representation brief and concise. Proofreaders will help you to achieve this fluency by identifying the sentences which you can combine to make your presentation smooth and more precise.

In fact it has been found that the best performers, in their respective fields, are all excellent in using grammar properly while communicating their written message to the intended audience. While doing your academic work, it is true that you may not have enough expertise to make your written communication grammatically accurate. But at the same time, you do have the services of the professional proofreaders to make your work free from any grammatical errors. While taking their service to make your assignments or research papers flawless, you can also learn from them how to use grammar check service to improve the quality of your writing and, that lesson will help you a lot to communicate your message in the most proficient manner in the forthcoming future.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Perfecting Your Papers with Scientific Proofreading!

The quality of any paper not only depends upon the content or matter that has been included into the report but also it has direct relevancy with the small errors and sentence formation also. It is to acknowledge that while writing report it happens generally that students or researchers made some mistakes as they concentrate more on the topic and content which they are writing. However these mistakes are very small but still it can distort the meaning at various instances and most importantly it can put negative impression at readers as well. It is to ascertain that students or researchers are needed to focus on this factor hugely. If report will be error free then standards of the report will improve. Thus with respect to get rid of errors or small mistakes the concept of proofreading can be accepted by the researchers or students.

proofreading service Proofreading is an art or technique that generally adopted by researchers to identify the small mistakes that has been done by researchers or students. It could be treated as art as it involves huge level of patience and knowledge about various other factors is also required. In the process of proofreading the writer can focus on the sentence formation and grammatical errors. Further they can definitely improve the spelling mistakes as well.  Another benefit that could be availed by students is that they can identify that a paper should be arranged in proper way and there should be valid correlation between various topics included into the report.

Proofreading can help immensely in making the papers perfect. The writers can done the proofreading through numerous ways. Either they can proofread the content by themselves or they can take the help of online agencies that provide the facility of proofreading in very reasonable prices. Papers could be submitted on their webpage and they will definitely check the quality of grammar and English within the paper. If any individual has decided to proofread the paper by themselves then have to have deep knowledge about various concepts of the language.

They should have proper command on English language, all the concepts of grammar must be clear to an individual, spelling should be thorough and most importantly the person is required to understand the fundamentals of tense as well. The combination of all these aspects can help immensely in doing the proofreading in effective way. Further proofreader is supposed to understand the expediency of punctuation as well. It is to acknowledge that punctuations, articles, conjunctions etc. these are other aspects of language that should be included in proper way in reports or papers. Next an individual should understand the subject or topic which he or she is about to proofread.

Through this factor they can even check the quality of content and most importantly the relevancy can be assessed. Thus in this way these are some of the basic factors that are required to followed by students or proofreaders. But this process could be tiresome and time consuming process and if any individual is not able to get hold on the proofreading then they can avail the services of online tutoring agencies those who provide high level proofreading services to their clients. There are various online agencies that deal in this area and they have expert proofreaders that might provide the dedicated services.

All these agencies work in very professional manner and serve their clients in very effective way. The major benefit of these online platforms is that it is reasonable and they get the task done in stipulated period of time. Some of the agencies are proofreading services, Sibia proofreading, Enago, essay edge etc. These online proofreading and editing services agencies are highly reputed and can be trusted by clients. It is to acknowledge that taking the services of online agencies could be beneficial but still the clients need to focus on certain aspects. Before hiring any agency they need to check the past record of that website and have to assess client satisfaction level as well. The price must be reasonable and the portfolio of proofreaders is also supposed to analyze.

However these agencies generally have expert proofreaders but still careful decision making is required. These agencies also deal in removing the wrong sentence structures, grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Thus in this way papers could become perfect with the help of proofreading.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Definition of interjections with its usage and examples

An interjection is a word that is added to a sentence to convey feelings or emotions such as surprise, disgust, excitement or joy. Some people use these interjections wrongly; therefore they should use proofreading services in order to remove all errors. 

Hey! I am coming.
Oh, that’s great!

An interjection does not:
1.  Relate grammatically to other parts of the sentence.
2.  Help the reader in understanding the relation between words and phrases in a sentence.

Interjections are very rarely used in formal and academic writing as it doesn’t sound professional. It only conveys the feelings of an author.
Interjections include following words:
  1.  Oh
  2.  Gosh
  3.  Goddess
  4.  No
  5.  Hey
  6.  Yuck
  7.  Oops
  8.   Oh no
  9.   Uh-huh
  10.   Yikes

Use of interjections:
1. Beginning of the sentence
When we come to interjections, many people think to use it in the beginning of the sentence. Sometimes they associate interjections with the punctuation mark designed to convey emotions - the exclamation mark (!).
Wow, you are looking pretty.
Oh no, I can’t believe this!
In both sentences, “wow” and “oh no” are interjections that are used in the beginning of the sentence. Both sentences are conveying strong emotions.

2. Middle or end of the sentence
Most of us think that interjections can only be used at the beginning of a sentence but this is not true. You can use interjections in the middle, at the end or any place in the sentence where you want to insert an emotion.
So, he is coming again, huh?
In this sentence “huh” is an interjection which is found at the end of the sentence.
According to me, yuck, I can’t explain.
Here “yuck” is an interjection which is used in the middle of the sentence.

This is all about interjections. Use these very carefully in your sentences. Revise your work after writing. If you don’t have enough time, then use proofreading services. It will help you in presenting error free and attractive drafts and documents. 

Friday, 10 October 2014

How to edit your essay

An essay is a short piece of writing on a particular topic. Essays take a very long time to write and involve lots of grammar rules and specifications. It is made up of introduction, body and conclusion.

Introduction: One paragraph that introduce your essay.

Body: Several paragraphs that explains the main idea with examples.

Conclusion: One paragraph that summarizes and ends the essay.

As essays are the most important part of student’s life, they should be written properly. Well written work piece makes you able to score more marks in your examination and your document can stand out.

Here some important points are mentioned for essay editing which will be very helpful for you.

Start by getting the structure right

Mold your writing to a perfect structure for good looking because ‘first impression is your last impression’.

Prune long sentences and paragraphs

Every reader wants to read simple and short sentences. Therefore, you should keep your sentences and paragraphs short. If you have written long sentences, edit them.

Keep your document’s language simple

If you found any jargon in your writing, edit or replace them by the simple one. It will increase your document’s readability.

Watch the repetition of words and ideas

Meticulously scrutinize your work for repetitions because it is very easy to repeat yourself without realizing it when you are writing. Examine that if you haven’t repeated the same idea in two paragraphs. Delete all redundancies.

Spotting grammar and punctuations

Edit all grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors because even a minor error can ruin your whole hard work.

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Make your essays shine through proofreading and editing service

Whether you have pulled an all–nighter or toiled for months on an essay and assignment, a final edit makes all the difference. Without proofreading, the work would have been marked down and even failed. You essay should begin with the introductory part which explains the author’s subject.

Following steps can help you in writing perfect essay:
  • Research
Before start writing, you must research about your essay’s topic.
  • Analysis
Deeply analyze the information which you have gathered.
  • Outline
Prepare an outline of your essay. Jot down all the points whatever flowing in your mind on a rough paper. It will help you a lot.
  • Introduction
Now sit down and start writing your essay. The introduction should be impressive so it can mesmerize more readers. You can use bullets for paragraphs.
  • Paragraphs
Each and every individual paragraph should be written on a specific idea. It should have some meaning. Try talking the essay instead of writing the essay.
  • Conclusion
Gracefully wrap up your essay by writing some quote at the end.
  • Language

You are not done with your essay until you have polished your language by using proper grammar, punctuations and spellings. You must use simple language instead of jargons.

Start improving your essay with Proof Read My File today. Get a competitive edge for your college or university application with our proofreading service.  Professional essay editing service involves paying strict attention to the inner logics of documents. Our expert proofreaders and editors will serve your request in a best way. Our services are convenient, fast, affordable and reliable. We ensure that the finished product is clear, concise and readable. You can make use of our services any time.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Proper use of grammar will boost content quality

Grammar is a set of rules that explain how words are in a language. It is a basic of your communication. There are several rules in grammar which you need to follow for writing good material.

Grammar is composition of:
  • Nouns
  • Pronouns
  • Verbs
  • Adverbs
  • Prepositions
  • Articles
  • Adjectives

Most frequently ignored grammar rules are:
  •    Commas
  •    Avoid weak words
  •    Verb and tense agreement
  •    Stay away from passive voice
  •    Check your homophones
  •    Uncommon punctuation marks
  •    Watch your pronouns
  •    Capitalize only proper nouns
  •    Consistency is key
  •     Extraneous words

Examples of grammar are:

Wrong: This is a very unique solution.

Correct: This is a unique solution.

Wrong: I felt badly when you lost your pen.

Correct: I felt bad when you lost your pen.

Wrong: Police is coming.

Correct: Police are coming.

 grammar check
These examples will explain us about grammar and its importance. Authors and writers should follow grammar rules  because well written content will increase traffic of your blogger or website and also encourage you to write more content.

If anyone interested to learn new updates of grammar, then it might be well writer.You must check your document’s grammar before submission or you can upload it at Proof Read My File. Here you can get grammar check online services which will correct your document by removing all grammatical and spelling errors.

Monday, 8 September 2014

Proofreading and editing services for individual or business clients

Proofreading and editing services play an important role in everyone's life. They get quality content by the use of grammar check online services. It's a mirror of your profile so everyone take it serious.Students or scholar use it when they are going for submission their documents at collage or university. Businessmen use it when they are going to present himself for any business proposals and presentation with their clients.So never forget the importance of proofreading and content editing in routine life.
grammar check

Monday, 1 September 2014

Make correct use of grammar in your documents

English is a key to your success. Its demand is very high in every field as it is a global language. You may have a number of degrees, you are highly qualified, but, if you are not able to communicate or deliver your message to others through writing and speaking, there is no meaning of such degrees and all. You will be counted in the list of laymen. You only know by your grammatical skills.

It has become very essential in corporate and business world that you must have good knowledge of grammar and its rules. Since company’s reputation depends upon the quality of documents they have sent to their clients. Therefore, you will be hired by MNCs only if you have an ability of good communication.

Grammar plays crucial role in a number of areas. If you are good at grammar, only writing a document is not enough for an impressive presentation, the work which is remaining for you is its revision for any grammatical or spelling errors as no one is perfect, mistakes can occur by anyone. Most of us are unable to proofread our own words or sentences. Because what we are thinking, we are writing, reading, and checking, we know them very well, we see what we expect to see, not what is actually on the document.

Therefore, by using an online grammar check, document editing and proofreading services, you will be sure that your document is completely free from grammatical, punctuation or spelling errors.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Improve your document quality by writing correct grammar or spelling

Grammar is a nut bolt of your document. It binds your document together and whole reputation of yours is depends on this only. It can make or break your image in organization or company. Writing report or any document is not a big deal but the challenge is this to how much extent these are correct or error free. Only good quality document is praised by everyone.

Improper and messed grammar distracts reader’s interest from the entire work piece. You will receive negative comments from everywhere which may not be worth for your business.

Common spelling errors:

• consensus not concensus
• supersede not supercede
• minuscule not miniscule
• licensed not licenced
• practising in British English or practicing in American English
• liaise not liase
• extension not extention
• footwear and swimwear, but hardware, software and housewares
• soundbites, not soundbytes
grammar check

By removing such common spelling or grammatical errors from your essays, research papers or conference papers, you can make your document perfect.  Proof Read My File is working for the same. It assesses your document and eradicates all mistakes through its online editing service, grammar check service, proofreading service.

We believe in providing best services to our clients at low rates so that you can easily present error free projects. Our expert editors and proofreaders are ruthless; you can ask them for any queries related to your document at any time. If you submit high volume data for proofreading and editing, you will be offered by special discounts.

Monday, 18 August 2014

Dissertation editing service

In the world of competition, to stand out of crowd is very essential. Thousands of people have writing skills but among them only those are selected who have correct or flawless document.  Therefore, if you have desire that your document is also get selected among the crowd of thousand people. It is not cumbersome.

You can achieve your desire just by writing correct and impressive content. It is very well known that every research scholar needs to prepare their dissertations or papers for submission at their university or college. No doubt, you can score grade by submitting your dissertation or any document but that grade is not of high standard.
Online editing service

You may worked hard for your dissertation submission but that dissertation will get “D” grade instead of “A” and the reason behind that grade is your carelessness or little knowledge about grammar. Hence, it is very essential for you that you should enhance your grammar knowledge and don’t let anyone to degrade your position.

Proof Read My File understands that in hasty life, research scholars or students don’t have enough time that they sit and revise their work for any grammatical, spelling or punctuation mistakes. Every minor error affects your presentation and draw off others interest from your document. This will ruin your hard work in a moment.

To save you all from this situation, we provide online editing service for scholars, students, writers, businessmen or journalists. Through these services you can reach at heights by presenting 100% correct document.